This will be a multi-step operation in order to accomplish your goals. It is really important to try to get all of your project data in place before creating the project or you end up creating more work for yourself as you will see. We really stress that in the available training classes for Quality Planner.
a) Editing the part information is the first step. This is done in Desktop/Administration/Pools/System Pools, then look for the pool titled: Powerway Pool – Part Numbers. Once you select the edit button, you can edit any of the part numbers and/or descriptions. DO NOT TRY TO ADD THE SAME PART NUMBER AS THE SYSTEM WILL NOT ALLOW DUPLICATES. Just add the description to your existing part number already in the pool. Just follow the numbers in the image below:
1. Locate the Pools
2. Select the Part Number Pool and select Edit at the bottom of the window or double-click on the pool.
3. Locate the part number in need of editing.
4. Select Edit.
5. Enter the desired information.
6. Select OK to accept the information.
7. Select OK to save the pool information. If you mistakenly select the red “X” in the corner of the pool to exit, you will cancel the changes!

b) Now we need to get the new information into your Quality Planner project as the information in the project was the current information at the time of project creation and that has now changed and requires updating. Open the project in Quality Planner. Then, from the Menu Bar, select Project(1), Edit Project Information(2) as shown in the next image.

A new dialog will be displayed presenting the latest project information over four tabs at the top; Part Information, Customer Information, Supplier Information and Core Team. We obviously will be working with the first, Part Information. Press the Pool button to display the part number pool so we can select our updated part number we edited in the first step.

1. Make sure you are on the Part Information tab(Choose the Customer tab for changing the customer information).
2. Select the Pool button to display the pool information.
3. Select the revised information from the pool.
4. Select OK to accept the pool information.
5. Select OK to save the Project Information.
c) So now the new information has been brought into the project, all of the documents that have already been created now have obsolete information in them that needs to be updated. Any document that is checked out to the user doing this editing can update their documents simply by saving the document. Any project documents not checked out to this user will need to be checked out for updating. As soon as the document is checked out, another dialog window is presented that lists the Project Differences for the document. The best option is to select the Update button which will automatically update all of the project differences for you.

After it has completed, don’t forget to save your document. Last, I would suggest viewing the document(s) to force the republishing of the new information on the document. You may need to make a slight change to a document and save the change to cause the republishing of the document. Then you can remove the change and save it again.

As you can see, the Part Name has been added to the project documents.
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