Published on Monday, March 25, 2019

How Do I Add Special Characteristics to the SC Symbols Pool?

Quality Planner provides you with 65 symbols to use in your APQP documents. These default symbols, supplied and maintained by Waypoint Global, are stored in the SC Symbols library. If all of the symbols you need are not included in the default list, you can add your own symbols. Custom symbols you create will be stored in the custom SC symbols list. SC symbols can be created in your illustration software of choice but please note that they cannot exceed 16 pixels by 16 pixels and must be saved as a bitmap file format. To add custom symbols, you will have to use the SC symbol pool editor, which is a separate utility from the Quality Planner. Only the Quality Planner Administrator, username QP9000ADMIN, can use the SC Symbol pool editor to do the following:

  • Add new company or customer-specific SC symbols
  • Edit existing SC symbols individually
  • Delete one or more multiple existing SC symbols
  • Add or restore SC symbols from the SC symbol library

To launch the SC Symbol Pool Editor, it can depend upon your operating system and the version and type of Waypoint Global Suite installed, as in whether it is a Personal or Group Edition. For Windows 10, click the Windows icon to and search for the Run utility. Browse to the Modules/QP9000 folder on the server. Within the QP9000 folder, find and then highlight the SCSymbolPoolEditor.exe. Click Open. The system will then fill in the full path in the open field. Click OK. A Waypoint Global login dialog box will prompt you to log in. Log in as the Quality Planner Administrator. After you log on successfully, a list of the SC symbols is displayed alphabetically in the SC Symbol Pool Editor dialog box. Now we are finally ready to add a symbol! Select Add. When the SC Symbol Source dialog box appears, choose the source from which you will be adding the new symbol, either Custom SC Symbols or SC symbol library. To select the symbol you wish to add, click browse. At the top in the Look In field, change the location to the documents library and look in the directory where your bitmap is stored. Remember, it MUST be a bitmap file and be no larger than 16 x 16 pixels. Select your image and click Open. Then, enter a description for the new symbol. This is a required field. The description must also be unique. If you try to use a description that has already been used, you will receive an error message to that effect. If you decide to continue with the duplicate entry, the system will append a number to the end of the description. Once you have completed your description, click Enter Next. Then, click Ok! And you have added an SC symbol to the SC symbol pool.


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