Published on Thursday, April 4, 2019

Error Message - Acquiring in Document Manager


This error is telling us that for whatever reason, some files in Document Manager did not get registered during the installation. The easiest way to fix this is to uninstall Document Manager and reinstall it. If that is not possible, then the files can be registered manually, but making sure we get the path correct can be the tricky part.

To proceed manually, you will need to be a local admin to the PC. If you can run this command it should resolve the issue.  If you’re not a local admin, you will need to log in as one in order to continue. Don’t forget to include the quotation marks in your command. They are required because of the blank spaces in the path. This may have to be run as an Administrator.

If Windows 7 or 10 64bit ---

Click Start and type CMD and press Enter


This will launch a command prompt.



Regsvr32 “c:\program files (x86)\WPGSuite\Modules\DM9000\scanner.ocx”


If Windows 7 or 10  32bit ---

Click Start and type CMD and press Enter


This will launch a command prompt.



Regsvr32 “c:\program files\WPGSuite\Modules\DM9000\scanner.ocx”


Depending on when Suite was installed, the path above could be “c:\program Files (x86)\Powerway\Modules\DM9000\scanner.ocx” or “c:\program files\Powerway\Modules\DM9000\scanner.ocx”.

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