Published on Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Question - Does Waypoint Global Offer Email Notifications?

The answer is yes, we can do email notifications. Every day. With our current version, everything you need is provided, except for the configuration, which would likely be handled by your IT group. In your system, look for the file titled NotificationConfig.pdf, which is the one containing information about the emails notifications. This service became available with the release of V4.00, so if you have yet to upgrade, this would be a benefit received. We did have another service for previous revisions, but this was a big step forward from the predecessor.

A very important predicate is that everyone listed as a user or in your personnel pool needs a valid email address in their profile on the Internet tab. I can’t tell you how many folks I have talked with that have installed the service and reported nobody was getting any emails only to find out they never put email addresses where we look for the address to send the emails to the users.

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Categories: FAQ, Desktop, General

